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Bryant Middle School

School News

Donut & Cider PBIS Celebration:  October 2016

Donut & Cider PBIS Celebration: October 2016

Earlier this week, over 200 students participated in a before school donut and cider PBIS celebration.  Thank you to our students for making positive behavior choices and to our teachers for organizing this event.  Also, thank you to Bartz Bakery for their generosity...

Pink Shirt Day @ Bryant: Friday, October 21st

Our annual Pink Shirt Day assembly will take place at Bryant Middle School on Friday, October 21st.  All students are encouraged to wear pink that day to show our support against bullying.  The students from the Leadership class will perform skits and share their...

Backpacks, String Bags and Purses @ Bryant Middle School

At Bryant Middle School, it is the position of both the administration and teachers that backpacks, string bags and purses should be stored in student lockers during the school day.  We believe this important guideline for the safety of our students and teachers.  We...

Notice for AOL Email Accounts

Dear Parents, If you are an AOL email user, please be aware that you may not receive email notifications due to AOL policies. We are working to resolve this issue with AOL. Thank you for your patience while we work with AOL to make sure you get classroom notifications...