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Bryant Middle School


We are having a pink shirt design contest. This is your chance to design a shirt that will be worn by many and for you to take a stand against bullying.

If you are interested in making a drawing that shows an anti-bullying design for the front and the back of the shirt then get started. Make your drawing on a piece of computer paper. One side for the front and one side for the back. Label the front and the back of the paper showing what is going to be the back and front.

After you make your drawing you may turn it into Mrs. Doner via email ( or you could hand-deliver it to the school and place it in Mrs. Doner’s mailbox by Wednesday, September 30th by 3:00 PM.

The winning person will have Bryant Students wearing their personal design on Pink Shirt Day! The creator’s name will also appear on the shirt as well.

The deadline for the drawings for the shirts is Wednesday, September 30th. Put your name, your advisory teacher’s name, and your grade on the paper you submit.