January 25, 2021
Dear parents,
The WIDA window will start January 27, 2021 and end April 9, 2021. If your child is recognized as an EL, they are pre-identified by the state and are required to participate in the state English language proficiency assessment. The goal is to provide effective language development instruction for all students to become fully proficient in the English language and have language sufficient to meet the challenging common core standards that all students are expected to meet. Testing helps teachers identify your childś needs and understand how to help them reach their potential growth. Test scores also allow teachers to track your child’s progress and highlight areas of concern in writing, reading, listening and speaking.
In order for your student to exit the program they must receive a 4.8 composite score. We encourage parents to discuss with their child the importance of performing to the best of their ability. Students will receive a phone call on Monday stating their testing room, time, and proctor. Students will test three domains on the first day (9:00-12:00) and one domain the next day (9-10:30 or 11:00-12:30). All Covid-19 regulations will be taken into consideration during testing. The school health screening agreement is attached and is required for each student entering the building. Students are to be dropped off at door number 1. It is crucial that students are dropped off on time and picked up on time. We would like to eliminate any unnecessary contact with other students. Also, students MUST wear a face mask and bring in their own water bottle, snack, and headphones if possible.
If you have any questions regarding this test or safety regulations, please contact myself or the school administration.
Dalal Khalil
ELD Specialist
Bryant Middle School