According to Johns Hopkins University, the effects of summer learning loss can result in nearly a three-month loss in grade-level equivalency in math and a two-month loss in grade-level equivalency in reading. As a result of the school shut down, estimates suggest students will return in fall 2020 with roughly 70% of the learning gains in reading relative to a typical school year. However in mathematics, students are likely to show much smaller learning gains and in some grades, nearly a full year behind what we would observe in normal conditions. In order to close the summer learning loss gap in reading and math, middle school students will be expected to complete Summer Learning before they return in the fall. Teachers will grade the completed summer work when school opens in August. Below are the expectations for math and literacy. Thank you so much for supporting your child’s development through summer learning.
- Complete 60 minutes of Khan Academy practice a week (Practice only, videos will not count).
- Students need to access Khan through Clever from the Dearborn Schools Student page.

- Read a minimum of two books of your choice before you return in the fall.
- Then, in your English Language Arts class, you will complete some sort of evaluation. This could be in the form of book talk, a one-pager, or a small project about your reading. These are generally related to characters, conflicts, plot, and lessons learned. Please refer to building blogs for more specific information.