Welcome to Bryant Middle School. Home of the Eagles! School of Champions!
Bryant Daily Bulletin-Wednesday, April 3, 2024-“A” day
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
Welcome to Bryant Middle School. Home of the Eagles! School of Champions!
Bryant Middle School Parent GatheringThursday, April 4, 20242:30-3:10 pm Virtual Meeting: Join Zoom Meeting:[Zoom link] Meeting ID: 836 3783 6234Passcode: 065512 TOPIC:Assessment Updates: PSAT, M-STEP, AND iReady Hosted by:Mrs. Khalil and Mrs. Taha...
We are sharing an update for students and parents regarding the Sora app, which is again available to district students. Through Sora, students are able to see books available through the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services provided by the Dearborn Public...
Join us for the Play for Palestine event on Thursday, April 18th, at Dearborn High School Gym. Organized by Human Appeal, all proceeds will benefit Palestine. The event welcomes players aged 11-18 from middle and high schools. Middle/high schoolers play from 4:00 to...
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