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Bryant Middle School

School News

Bryant Robotics Team

Another school year brings us to another season for the Bryant Robotics Teams. Students will meet after school Tuesday through Thursday until 5:00 pm from September-mid December. There is also at least one Saturday competition from 7 AM-8 PM near the end of...

Free Student Lunch Continues, Income Forms Needed

Dearborn Public Schools is reminding parents that the district will continue to offer all students free breakfast and lunch on school days, even as many other districts are forced to step away from that option. Under the National School Lunch Program, Dearborn is able...

Reminder from Wayne County Prosecutor Worthy

With a new school year beginning, the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office is encouraging and reminding all parents/guardians to converse with their school-age children regarding an issue that has become too prevalent, namely threats to commit school violence. Prosecutor...

Emergency Contact information (in ParentConnect):

The Dearborn Public Schools district has launched the ‘Back to School Emergency Form Update’ in ParentConnect so parents can review their student information and provide any new contact information. Parents have until Friday, September 30, 2022, to change and/or...