To 6th Grade Students and Parent(s)/ Guardian(s): As we are in the midst of our testing season we want to encourage your child to perform his/her best. As you may already know we are extremely fortunate in our district to provide an education that focuses on...
Andrew Denison
6th Grade Orientation @ Bryant for Incoming Students
Welcome to Bryant Middle School! You are cordially invited to our Incoming 6th-grade Student and Parent Orientation. This meeting will be held on Thursday, April 25, 2024 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Bryant Middle School auditorium. We will discuss...
2024 Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) & PSAT 8 Tests 2024
This spring students will be taking the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) and PSAT 8 Tests (8th grade only). The testing window for administering these tests begins Monday, April 8th. All 8th graders will be tested during the first three...

Solar Eclipse is Coming on April 8th (repost)
From the district Communications Department The solar eclipse on April 8th is not only a spectacular astronomical event but also an invaluable teaching moment for our students. However, safety remains our top priority. While witnessing this phenomenon, it’s crucial...
Green Schools Gardening Club Announcement
Are you interested in gardening? Do you want to make the school a beautiful place? Do you want to help create a more green environment for generations to come? Meet us in Mr. Blake's room on Monday, March 4th, after school to be a part of the discussion and learn more...
Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences
Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday, March 5th from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. All parents are invited to attend, though we will not be distributing Report Cards for the third card marking at this time. The third marking period ends Friday, March 15th and...
Thank You for Supporting the Operating Millage Renewal
Dear Friends and Supporters,On behalf of the staff and students in the Dearborn Public Schools, we want to personally extend our most sincere appreciation for your support to renew the Operating Millage. More importantly, we want to thank you for caring about the...
Millage Renewal Election – Tuesday, February 27, 2024
February tends to make us think of cold, winter weather and maybe Valentine’s Day. But for the first time this year, we can also think of elections. Michigan law changed last year to move the presidential primary from March into February. The law also changed to...
2024 Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Nominations Now Open
Nominations have now opened for the 2024 Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Students’ Choice Award. This annual award is sponsored by the Dearborn Area Chamber of Commerce and presented by LaFontaine Automotive Group. The nomination deadline...
Message from the Superintendent: WSJ Safety Response
Many of you are aware of an opinion article that appeared this weekend in the Wall Street Journal. The editorial grossly misrepresented our community and the proud people who live and work in Dearborn. I’m outraged that this type of commentary, that only fuels...