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Bryant Middle School

Bryant Middle School PTA Raffle Fundraiser

Instead of product sales this school year, Bryant PTA is having a raffle.  Our goal is to require your support and participation for ONLY 1 PTA-sponsored fundraiser all year long.  This means you (or your child) only have to sell raffle tickets, not magazines and popcorn, and not pizza kits.

Your child should have received 25 $2.00 raffle tickets today (Thursday, November 16th), along with a cover sheet detailing much of the same information found on this page.  If you have multiple children at Bryant, your oldest middle-schooler will have received these tickets for your family to sell.

We are asking each family to sell at least 25 tickets.  The raffle will take place on December 15th.  Three cash prizes will be awarded: (1) $500.00 prize and (2) $250.00 prizes.  If we are unable to reach our fundraising goal, these prize amounts may change, so please sell all your tickets!  Winners do not need to be present at the drawing to win!

If we are able to reach our goal of $8,000.00, there will be no need for additional fundraisers for the entire year!  That means NO magazine sales!


November 16th: Raffle tickets will be sent home with your student.  Each family gets 25 tickets in their envelope; the cost of each raffle ticket is only $2.00.

For all tickets you sell, please have the purchaser fill out this form and then give them the ticket with the “2017 Raffle” on it, and then return this stub in the envelope to be entered in the raffle.

December 8th: All sold ticket stubs and money collected, along with any unsold tickets are due back to Bryant no later than this date.  The Michigan Lottery Association REQUIRES that we collect ALL tickets/stubs for this fundraiser, regardless of whether they have been sold or not.  If you choose not to participate in this fundraiser, please return tickets as soon as possible.  You can also write a check for the cost of the tickets ($50.00) to Bryant PTA if raffles aren’t your thing.

December 15th: Raffle drawing will be held at 10am at Bryant Middle School.  Raffle winners need not be present to win.

The PTA can only accept cash or check for sales of raffle tickets.  Checks should be made payable to “Bryant PTA”.  We hope your family can help support our school by either purchasing the tickets for $50.00 or selling them to friends and family for $2.00 each

If you are able to sell more than 25 tickets, please contact Jennifer Engquist at 734.552.8447.


-Bryant PTA