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Bryant Middle School

Safety around the school

Good Afternoon!

Drop off and pick up times are becoming challenging.  Please follow the posted speed limits and all parking rules.  Many of our students walk to and from school and we want to keep them safe.  Please remember to:

  • no faster than 25 miles per hour (slower would be safer)
  • park 20 from a cross walk.
  • park 15 feet from an intersection that does not have a crosswalk.  (The entire front of our school is an intersection.)
  • do not block drive ways.
  • do not talk on your cell phone while driving around the school.
  • do not park in the bus lane.
  • adhere to all parking signs.

Reducing traffic will also help.  If your child lives within walking distance, encourage them to walk.

Thank you for helping to keep our children safe.