Dear Parents of 8th grade students,
Your child may be qualified for enrollment as a ninth grader in the Dearborn Public School’s Dearborn Center for Mathematics, Science & Technology (DCMST). The DCMST is a community of learners sharing a high interest and achievement in math and science. Students attend the Center for three class periods each day and complete the remainder of their academic schedule at one of the Dearborn Public School high schools. This challenging four-year program provides an in-depth, project-based, problem-solving approach that integrates technology with math and science. All students participate in individual research and have the opportunity to enroll in advanced placement and college courses.
Entry into the program is at the ninth grade level for those students currently enrolled in Algebra I. (If students have high school credit for Biology or Algebra II or are currently enrolled in those courses, they are advised to contact the DCMST for information regarding possible admission at a later date.) In this half-day program, freshmen will enroll in Honors Chemistry, Honors Integrated Mathematics II, Technology and Web Page Design, and Scientific Investigations. As students progress through the program, their projects increase in scope and sophistication. The Center’s teachers will coordinate and integrate their instruction to provide high quality meaningful learning experiences for students. Student individual and team research projects will provide an opportunity for students to apply classroom learning to real-world problems. We invite you to learn more about The Dearborn Center for Mathematics, Science & Technology by visiting the school website at
Admission is by a competitive selection process. Achievement in middle school math, science, language arts, test scores, teacher recommendations, and a short student essay may be used to evaluate students qualifications. Students are expected to complete Algebra 1 by June, 2017 in order to be considered for admission.
The deadline for filing this application is February 8, 2017. A parent information meeting will be held on Monday, December 19, 2016, from 5-6 pm. Due to limited seating it would be appreciated if only parents attend. Please email if you have any questions.
Deena Parks, Lead Teacher
Parent Information Meeting Monday, December 19, 2016, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Michael Berry Career Center, Lecture Hall 22586 Ann Arbor Trail, Dearborn Heights
DCMST 8th grade Application and Materials
Application Deadline: Wednesday, February 8, 2017