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Bryant Middle School

Report Cards – Marking Period II

Report cards for the second marking period were sent home with students on Friday, December 5, 2014.  If you did not receive a report card for your child, please contact the school office.  A number of report cards will be sent to parent through the mail because there were other important documents that needed to be sent to parents.

In addition to the report card, student results from the fall NWEA tests were sent to parents.  A letter from the superintendent was included in the packet to give further explanation about the importance of these tests.  That letter and a parent guide from NWEA have been posted to help you understand the results from these tests.  We will also have a parent meeting in January to further discuss the NWEA tests.

If you have any questions regarding your child’s report card or NWEA test results, please contact your child’s teacher or the school office.

NWEA Parent Letter from Superintendent Whiston

Student Progress Report – Quick Reference Parent Guide