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Bryant Middle School

Battle Against Hunger

“Bryant students and families help stamp out hunger by contributing to the Battle Against Hunger. The seventh annual Battle Against Hunger will run from Nov. 15 to 19 this year.  Donations of non-perishable food (think boxed or canned) or cash will be collected in advisory classes here at Bryant. The advisory for each grade level that collects the most will win goodie bags. Our donations will go to represent the Dearborn High feeder track. Food donations will be given to Zaman International.  Monetary donations will be shared between Amity Foundation and Gleaners Food Bank. Monetary donations can also be made through a crowdfunding site hosted by the Dearborn Education Foundation. Online donors who want to support the Battle drive at a particular high school can list DHS, EFHS, or FHS in the “Order Notes” field.”