Dear Parents,
As part of our ongoing effort to keep an open line of communication with our parents, I would like to take a moment to share some information with you regarding a reported stranger incident.
Over the past few days, three Bryant students were approached by high school-aged male students at the corners of Telegraph/Cherry Hill and the corners of Coburn/Denwood. All three students were offered to vape and/or to smoke. Unfortunately, we do not have any additional information about the students who approached our students but a report has been filed with the Dearborn Police Department.
Although this was a disturbing occurrence, no one was physically harmed and the students responded in the proper manner and reported the incident to their parents. The police will increase patrols around the neighborhood during the school day in an effort to keep our community safe.
Anytime that one of our students is approached by a stranger can cause alarm to parents. Please use this as an opportunity to discuss with your child how to be safe on the way to and from school. Here are a few helpful reminders:
- Never talk to a stranger.
- Never get into a car with a stranger.
- Children should walk to and from school with other children.
- Always report suspicious characters to parents, teachers and the police.
- If approached by a stranger, tell an adult.
We pride ourselves on creating a safe environment for your children. By working together and keeping an open line of communication, we can ensure that our children will remain safe going to, coming home and attending school.
Mr. Andrew Denison, Principal