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Bryant Middle School

Stranger Incident @ Bryant Middle School

Greetings Bryant Community,  

Keeping our school a safe place for all helps to keep our neighborhood safe. As parents you play a big part in helping us in this effort and communication is vitally important.   

On Friday, April 14th, it was reported to me that during 6th hour on Thursday, two men driving a black F-150 were driving south on Telegraph and Cherry Hill.  When they passed by students who were walking the track, they showed them an object that looked like some type of gun.  It was also reported that the person in the truck made a “just kidding” type of motion as the vehicle continued down Telegraph. The incident was reported to Dearborn Police.    

I’m sharing this information with you out of an abundance of caution and to ensure an open dialogue with our parents. It is important that these experiences are not elavated to a point that would cause any emotional stress or harm to our children.  However, we should use these experiences as a teaching moment and an opportunity to talk to our children about how to stay safe when they are walking to and from school or in the neighborhood.  Here are a few helpful reminders:

  • Never talk to or get into a car with a stranger.
  • Never talk to a stranger who is looking for his/her lost pet.
  • Children should walk to and from school with other children.
  • Always report suspicious characters to parents, teachers and the police. (our students did this and I am very proud of their actions) 
  • If approached by a stranger, run in the opposite direction and tell an adult.
  • While participating in an outdoor activity at school, refrain from communicating with ALL people who are passing by the school grounds.

By working together and keeping an open line of communication, we can ensure that our schools, homes, and neighborhood will remain safe for all of us.