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Bryant Middle School

June 8 is deadline to transfer into online learning for next year

June 8 is deadline to transfer into online learning for next year

Are you ready (maybe more than ready) for your child to start the new school year in full-time face-to-face classes? Us too!

If you think online only-learning is the better fit for your child and family, then we can help you with that too, but you need to act soon!

To be in online learning next year, students must transfer to the new Dearborn Public Schools Virtual K-12 School launching in the fall.  Parents need to complete the transfer paperwork by June 8.  You can start the transfer process by contacting the school secretary.  The secretary will send a link to a Google Form for a parent to sign agreeing to transferring their child. Please submit that agreement by June 8.

Not sure if Virtual K-12 is the right choice?

Attend one of our two remaining Zoom meetings on Wednesday (May 26) at noon or Tuesday (June 1) at 4 p.m.  You can also find more information on the school website at

Students in Virtual K-12 will be taught live all-day, every day by Dearborn Public School teachers in a virtual classroom with other online-only students. Classes will follow Dearborn Public Schools curriculum, class times and calendar. Students who transfer to the Virtual K-12 School are committing to the program for the entire school year.