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Bryant Middle School

Daily Remote Learning and Virtual Learning Schedules

Administrators throughout the District worked to create schedules for teachers and students that would be used during the Remote Learning Program and the Virtual Learning Program. The schedules were created to help provide some daily structure for both students and teachers. In addition, the schedules were created to reduce the amount of time that both students and teachers were required to work in front of a screen.

The word synchronous means working together at the same time, during remote instruction, chat rooms and Zoom conferences are good examples of synchronous communication. Asynchronous communication is the relay of information with a time lag. Discussion forums, recorded video lessons and email are some examples of how asynchronous communication works in remote learning. Here is a short video that may also help with an explanation of the two terms.

Synchronous and Asynchronous On-line Learning

The first shared schedule is the schedule that both the 7th and 8th graders will follow during remote learning. Students are expected to be working with a teacher during the morning. The afternoon sessions will be time for students to work independently or set up small group conferences with a teacher (or visa versa). In person Learning Labs are scheduled to begin on Monday, September 21, 2020. Students will connect with teachers through Schoology. Attendance will be taken by teachers during synchronous learning each morning.

Bryant Middle School  2020-2021 Remote Schedule (7th and 8th Grades)

The second shared schedule is the schedule that the 6th graders will follow during remote learning. Bryant 6th graders are taugh using larger blocks of time for core subject areas. ELA and mathematics blocks last approximately 90 minutes; social studies and science blocks are also 90 minutes but only meet together one-half the time. Understanding how this schedule works, will be a challenge for our 6th graders, but one they can handle. Teachers will work to communicate the schedule with students (and parents).

Students are expected to be working with a teacher during the morning. The afternoon sessions will be time for students to work independently or set up small group conferences with a teacher (or visa versa). In person Learning Labs are scheduled to begin on Monday, September 21, 2020. Students will connect with teachers through Schoology. Attendance will be taken by teachers during synchronous learning each morning.

Bryant Middle School – 6th Grade MS Remote Learning Block Schedule

There could be some changes to these schedules over the first several days of instruction. Some of the changes will be minor and others could potentially be a little more involved. We continue to work through various aspects of our Remote/Virtual Learning plans and learn much each day. As always, your support and patience are appreciated.

Tuesday, September 8th will be an A-Day.