The Middle School Report Cards for Marking Period III were processed and made available to parents in ParentConnect on Monday April 6, 2020. Following is some information on how parents can access report card data in MIStar ParentConnect. Please note that if you have more than one child, you should be able to see data for all your children and you will not need separate logins for the different schools (if your children attend more than one school).
How do parents login to ParentConnect? To login to ParentConnect, parents need their PIN and password; this is how it is obtained: Parents go to the Dearborn Schools’ website ( and then the ParentConnect link. If they don’t know the login info, they click (Need Your Login Information) link and it will prompt them to enter their email address (as provided to the school and entered in MIStar), and then click Submit. This process emails them their PIN and Password. After logging in, click on “report card marks” module.

If you need assistance with your Parent Connect account, please contact Ms. Nadia Elayan (, Ms. Souhad Dubaisi ( or Ms. Cathy Debaisi ( Though they are not working in the building, they are available to answer any of your questions via email.
If you have questions regarding any of your child’s grades, please contact the teacher.