Bryant Middle School

Immunization Fair

Henry Ford Health System, Wayne State University, and the Detroit Health Department have teamed up to offer free immunization fairs in Detroit. Immunizations are an important part of preventing serious and potentially life-threatening diseases.

As part of the Vaccines For Children program, the following children are eligible to receive the recommended vaccines at no cost:  children who are younger than 19 years old and:

  • Uninsured
  • Underinsured
  • Medicaid eligible
  • American Indian, or Alaskan Native

Upcoming immunizations fairs:  

4 – 7 p.m., August 24
Detroit Diaper Bank – Bridging Communities Office
6900 McGraw
Detroit, MI 48210

10 a.m. – 2 p.m., August 26
Tabernacle Missionary –
2080 West Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48208

The Detroit Health Department will be onsite to administer the immunization shots.
For questions, please contact Chanel Killebrew at This information is also available online if you visit and search for “immunizations”

CONTACT:  Jeff Adkins, or (586) 307-2027.