January’s PTA meeting
The minutes from January’s PTA meeting are attached. Included are the results of the Raffle Fundraiser as well as the Piston’s Fundraiser. Also of note is the Michael Berry Career Center College Night on Thursday February 15th 5:00-7:00pm.
Spirit Week Monday February 12, 2018 – Friday February 16, 2018
We are waiting for the 8th Grade Leadership class to provide us with the Spirit Week Schedule. It will be posted on the Bryant Middle School FB page. Please encourage your students to participate!
Founder’s Day March 2, 2018
Founder’s Day is the celebration of the founding of the Michigan PTA. Please see Founder’s Day email with the invite. All PTA members are welcome to purchase a ticket and join other PTA members from Dearborn. We will be honoring two Bryant members: Mr. Ben Garrison (Band/Orchestra Teacher) and Mrs. Ruth Tozzi (Dedicated Volunteer). After viewing the invitation, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Upcoming Events for the Month of February
Friday February 2nd
*OKAY2SAY – Parent Meeting 1:00pm in the Auditorium
Monday February 5th
*Report Cards mailed this week
Wednesday February 7th
*Late Start
Friday February 9th
*Pizza Friday
Monday February 12th
*Spirit Week (More info to follow)
Thursday February 15th
*Ticket Purchase Deadline for Founder’s Day at regular price
Friday February 16th
*Pizza Friday
Monday February 19th – Friday February 23rd
*Winter Break/No School
Monday February 26th
*Back To School
*PTA Meeting 7:00pm Room 45
Wednesday February 28th
*Ticket Purchase Deadline for Founder’s Day (No tickets sold after today)
Have a great February!
The Bryant PTA