There are a number of projects that will be completed around Bryant Middle School within the next few weeks.
- Kitchen Renovations: The kitchen has been totally renovated (or at least we are in the final days of completion). We are waiting for final inspections from both contractors and the Health Department. Breakfast will be available for students on Thursday, September 7th (7:30 – 7:50 a.m.). Over the next two weeks, we will not be giving students multiple options for lunch and we will not be selling items from the snack line. The menu for the next several days is as follows:
- Thursday, Sept. 7th = Sac N Go
- Friday, Sept. 8th = Salad Bar
- Monday, Sept. 11th = Smuckers PB & J w/ Potato Chips or Hummus & Pita Chips
- Tuesday, Sept. 12th = Sac N Go
- Wednesday, Sept. 13th = Hummus & Pita Chips
- Thursday, Sept. 14th = Salad Bar
- Friday, Sept. 15th = Smuckers PB & J w/ Potato Chips
- Security Cameras: Security cameras are being installed throughout the building (inside and outside). This project will help us maintain a safe and secure environment for our students and staff members.
- Road Construction: The city is replacing concrete on streets around the school (Vernon, Coburn, Denwood and Drexel). These roads will be repaired over the next several days. Please do your best to avoid these areas. Encourage your child to walk home (in groups) or find a meeting spot two or three blocks from the school for pick-up and drop-off. Anything that you can do to help reduce traffic congestion around the school will be appreciated.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Denison at (313) 827-2900. Thank you for your support and patience as we see these projects to completion.
Photos from the Kitchen Renovations: