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Bryant Middle School

Attention Bryant Middle School Parents:

Are you trying to plan for the future costs of college for your child? Do you have questions regarding the many opportunities your child has as a Dearborn Public School, high school student.

Please join us in the 

Bryant Middle School Auditorium

Thursday, March 6th at 6:30 p.m. 

Dr. Shenkman, Associate Superintendent and Director of Secondary Education, will be at Bryant Middle School  to explain the Henry Ford Collegiate Academy and answer questions regarding DCMST, dual enrollment and The Early College.

The Henry Ford Collegiate Academy

  • 2 years of college FREE (includes tuition, books, fees)
  • Earn an associate degree that your child can transfer to a 4 year college or university
  • Complete a 4-year high school diploma and a 2-year associate degree in 5 instead of 6 years
  • Remain an active student in their home high school and participate in prom, sports, graduation, etc.
  • All sophomore Dearborn students may be eligible (based on PLAN test scores)